Problems With Your Pool - Yellow Algae

Like most problems in a pool, yellow algae can become really annoying if it's not taken care of quickly. Mustard or yellow algae appears as a yellowish-green color that can be easily brushed off the walls and floor of your swimming pool.

Using a shock treatment can eliminate it, but a more effective way to getting rid of yellow algae is to use a "yellow" product that is designed specifically to target this type of algae in conjunction with a shock treatment. These products usually contain sodium bromide that when used with a shock treatment create bromine. Bromine tends to be better suited for dealing with this type of algae.

If you're seeing mustard algae, your problem is two fold. If it is appearing it means that your sanitizer levels are not being kept at an adequate level. Generally you want a 1-3 PPM level of free chlorine (if that is your sanitizer) to make sure that things like mold, algae, and bacteria cannot survive in the pool water.

Remember while doing this process you'll want to keep your filter on at all times. During the shocking treatment raise the chlorine to 5-10 PPM, and let it sit at around 1-3 PPM overnight. Do this, and you will notice your algae problem disappear.


  1. Thought you might want to know Chlorine kills bacteria NOT fungus, and algae is fungus.
    You have to use an algaecide to kill the algae.
    I recommend using KLEEN POOL Algaecide as it KILLS ALL algae for up to 6 MONTHS, with just one application. It is EPA Registered, safe and easy to use, just pour it in and swim immediately.

    It has been manufactured and sold in the USA and Internationally for more than 20 years by Florida Water Works, Inc.

    Visit their webpage: and get all the info. Use Kleen Pool and KEEP your pool algae-free ALL YEAR!

  2. I think I have endless problems when it comes to keeping my pool clean. I came across some yellow algae when I was doing my bi-weekly swimming pool maintenance and it was an absolute nightmare to get rid of, a while messing around with my chlorine levels finally got it to go away in the end.

  3. Yellow Algae is quite easy to remove with the right chemicals.
    Pool Tile Cleaning

  4. Proper maintenance is very important to keep pool water clean and free from dirt or algae. Algae growth is the most common thing in the pool. You can kill all the microbes present in the pool water by sanitizing it properly. This way, you can also keep the water free from other unwanted impurities. Cartridge Pool Filters are also highly recommended pool filters, keep swimming pool water clean by collecting unwanted debris or algae.
